The Grand Council

2024 ΩΤΣ Grand Council
Delta Chapter at Ontario Veterinary College in Guelph
October 18–20

More information can be found on our events page.

Our Purpose

To encourage and foster the development of well- rounded, ethical veterinarians and through them create a better profession on the basis of friendship, cooperation, and respect for their fellow professional.

To impart to its members a desire to serve faithfully and zealously the varied needs of our animal kingdom and to inspire these members with the fact that the knowledge of the job well done and the regard of clientele and colleague far surpasses financial gain.

To give aspiring young veterinary students a chance to analytically survey the Veterinary profession in order that they may be sure that their best talents will be utilized in this profession before they have invested the valuable God- given assets, youth, time, and ambition, in the pursuance of an occupation that may leave their best talents dormant.

To instill the principles of honesty, morality, resourcefulness, and fraternal love in all its members and, last but not least, to give these young embryonic Veterinarians a chance to learn the much valued trait of living happily with a group for the mutual benefit of all.


I believe in OMEGA TAU SIGMA, society of kindred minds, united in fellowship to develop character, to promote leadership, and to encourage scholarship in the advancement of the Veterinary Profession.
I will strive to make real these Fraternity ideals in my own daily life in the service of God, Man, and the Animal Kingdom.


O Lord, be ever present with us at this meeting. Give us freely of Thy counsel. Direct and guide our deliberations and undertakings, and endow us all with the spirit of true humility, thankfulness and brotherly love. Grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference. Amen.

Emblems and Insignia

The Fraternity Pin

The official OMEGA TAU SIGMA pin is a diamond shaped, yellow gold badge with a small black diamond in the center. Inside the black diamond is a small square with the Greek letters OTS in it. The pin is to be worn by active members of the fraternity on the left side over the heart on a sweater, shirt, or vest. If so desired, a guard designating the individual chapter may be worn with the pin.

The Pledge Pin

The official OMEGA TAU SIGMA pledge pin consists of two squares, a small one inside a larger one on a black background. This pin is circular in shape. The pledge pin is to be worn on the left coat lapel or on a shirt or vest over the heart.

The Recognition Pin

The recognition pin of OMEGA TAU SIGMA consists of the three Greek letters, OTS. It is to be worn on the left coat lapel.

The Key

The Key of Omega Tau Sigma was designed by the Alpha Chapter, University of Pennsylvania. This key was adopted as the official key at the 1950 Grand Council Meeting.

Fraternity Colors

The fraternity colors are maroon and navy blue.

Fraternity Flag

Local chapter designation; Letters 7" high, 4" wide, & 11/4" thick; Scale 1" = 2'; Large OTS letters 17" high, 12" wide & 11/4" thick; Outer square 12" x 12" & inner square 6" X 6". (Both squares are 11/4" thick.)


White Carnation

At the annual convention of OMEGA TAU SIGMA at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, April 29, 1949, the White Carnation was adopted as the official flower of OMEGA TAU SIGMA. Previous to this date no official flower had been accepted; however, the Zeta Chapter at Auburn, Alabama had named their annual formal dance "The White Carnation Ball," which was the first inspiration for the selection of the White Carnation as the Fraternity Flower.

Coat of Arms

The Coat of Arms of OMEGA TAU SIGMA as appears on the cover, was designed at Cornell University by the Beta Chapter on January 5, 1924. The colors: Shield, purple with gold letters and insignia; the rest, animals, etc. to be gold.

There are several parts to the Coat of Arms of OMEGA TAU SIGMA. The shield, which stands for the organization, the animal kingdom, the crossed arms behind the shield and the crest over the shield. The shield, which is the central theme, indicates that a group of members have banded themselves together under the banner of OMEGA TAU SIGMA with the purpose of furthering the defense of the animal kingdom.

The animal kingdom is portrayed by the figures on either side and behind the shield. The figures show that our interest is in all animals from the most kingly, the lion, to the lowly ram.

The sword and spear represent the tools with which we, as a group of Veterinary students, are equipping ourselves in the defense of the animal kingdom. These are the things which will allow us to attack with vigor the enemies of the animal kingdom.

The crest in the form of the helmet with plumes attached was a sign of high royalty in medieval times. (According to heraldry, royal coats showed the helmet from the side.) Thus when we see the crest, may we try harder to remain the best of royalty, so to speak.

The Coat of Arms of OMEGA TAU SIGMA should mean to each individual in the organization that he/she is a part of an organization which calls for members to band together with the high ideal of promoting Veterinary Medicine.