2009 Grand Council

October 2 - 4 at Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine

2009 Grand Council Award Winners (left to right): Sarah McCready, Gamma Chapter, Gordon Award; Melanie Burgess (Lambda President) and Stephanie Shields (Theta President), Dr. Robert W. Vesper Award for Service; MacKenzie Neal (Kappa President), T.C. Fitzgerald Award for Continued Improvement; Jennifer Stokes, Omicron Chapter, Gordon Award; Courtney Nussbaum, Beta Chapter, J.P. Donahue Award for Sustained Excellence; Jake Martin, Zeta Chaper, Gordon Award; and Seth Vredenburg, Kappa Chapter, Gordon Award.

2009 Grand Council Chapter Awards

T.C. Fitzgerald Memorial Progress Award: in honor of the late devoted, longtime advisor of Zeta Chapter; Recognizes the chapter that had made the greatest strides during the past year in improving its chapter facilities, increasing its membership, inducting honorary members and contributing the greatest on the whole to the advancement of the veterinary profession.

This Chapter has had a remarkable year. Expanding the leadership, focusing on promoting positive OTS relationships within the community, the college and the chapter, and revamping the chapter website were just a few of the highlights of their year. They have recruited 42 in their new pledge class and have broadened the intercollegiate involvement of the OTS fraternity as a whole by including a veterinary university some 2 hours away. This chapter is continuing to meet the challenges presented before them and are evolving and growing. This year’s recipient of the T.C. Fitzgerald Award is Kappa Chapter (Iowa State).

Dr. Robert W. Vesper Community Service Award: in memory of a Grand Council past president and alumni of Gamma Chapter; recognizes the chapter which has provided the most service support activities to its college, university and surrounding community.

This year, there is a tie. Both of these chapters have demonstrated a renewed commitment to community service. The award recipients are Lambda Chapter (Virginia-Maryland) and Theta Chapter (University of Illinois).

J.P. Donahue Award for Sustained Excellence: Charity ball, Heifer International, celebrity events, and breast cancer research are a few of the charities this chapter supports. Donating over 250 pints of blood over the past year certainly is no small feat. They also work to clothe the community and keep their pets clean. And sometimes, you may find a few of them crossing the border to keep up intercollegiate relations.

This year's award recipient is Beta Chapter (Cornell)

Most Attendance Award: awarded to the chapter with the most members in attendance at the Grand Council, other than the host chapter.

This year's award recipient is Gamma Chapter

Gonzo Olympics Winner: Each host chapter can add their own fun Gonzo awards. Some of the traditional awards are for the clothesline game, overall award for chapter winning the most events, and best cheaters.

This year's award recipient is Beta Chapter, with help from Kappa Chapter

2010 Grand Council will be hosted by Zeta Chapter at Auburn University.

John C. Gordon Awards: This award acknowledges superior OTS members at a national level. Each of these recipients will receive a $500.00 cash award.

This recipient was described as the one who was instrumental in keeping her chapter alive and interested. She has stepped forth and met the challenges with new ideas and enthusiasm. Carrying a lot of determination and incredible focus both at the chapter and national level, she has made an impression to the other delegates by her sincere appreciation for fellowship among OTS members and her commitment to maintaining and improving those relationships.

This person is Jennifer Stokes, Omicron Chapter, MSU

This recipient apparently has many talents outside of the casual animal medicine venue. When this chapter experienced various issues with home repair, maintenance and the occasional need for a TV stand, he quietly and diligently provided these without drama or need for recognition. He is the foundation of this chapter house, both literally and figuratively, and has reached to promote positive relationships with alumni and faculty. The respect that his chapter has for his talents and commitment is only rivaled by his enthusiasm and willingness to demonstrate fellowship and support of OTS through the use of those talents.

This person is Jake Martin, Zeta Chapter, Auburn

This recipient was described as a person who truly understands the importance of intercollegiate interaction. She has demonstrated this by her hospitality. Her enthusiastic attitude and strong participation has made her a model of her OTS Chapter. She is constantly searching out ways to keep her chapter moving in a positive, focused direction. She is heavily involved with community outreach and fundraising. She is an organizer, and an enthusiastic supporter of promoting not only OTS but the field of veterinary medicine as well.

This person is Sarah McCready, Gamma Chapter, OSU

Finally, this is one person that everyone knows. And he knows everyone. He has demonstrated an incredible dedication to promoting what is THE fellowship that is OTS. What can only be summed up as a person on a mission, his nominations were full of recounts of enthusiasm, strong character and an undeniable commitment to the advancement of his chapter, both at his university and within the national OTS fraternity as a whole.

This person is Seth Vredenburg, Kappa Chapter, Iowa State