About Us

Contact Us

If you have questions, comments, or feedback about this site, please email the alumni records office at alumnirecords@omegatausigma.org or write:

Omega Tau Sigma
P.O. Box 876
Ithaca, NY 14851-0876

Or you can contact the Grand Council officers directly:

President: Lauren Bufe, DVM, Ρ’21
Email: bufe.dvm@gmail.com

Treasurer: Anne Gemensky Metzler, DVM, MS, DACVO, Γ’95
Email: metzler.134@osu.edu

Secretary: Jessica Michalek, DVM, Ρ’21
Email: jtmich11@gmail.com

Alumni: Don't miss the latest news from The Inner Square! Be sure to add alumnirecords@omegatausigma.org to your address book so that messages from Omega Tau Sigma are not rejected as spam.

Beta - Cornell University
Gamma - Ohio State
Delta - University of Guelph
Zeta - Auburn University
Eta - University of Georgia
Theta - University of Illinois
Iota - Oklahoma State University
Kappa - Iowa State
Lambda - VA/MD Regional
Omicron - Michigan State
Rho - Midwestern University

Scholarships and Awards

Click here to download descriptions of the Grand Council Awards.
Click here to download the John C. Gordon Award of Excellence nomination form.