National History

The natural instinct of having a common purpose and an interest to associate together for mutual benefit has been demonstrated through the ages. The formation of clubs and fraternity groups for social and scholastic purposes dates back almost to the initiation of institutions of higher learning in the United States. With the adoption and inclusion of more specialized courses in learning and with the establishment of strictly professional curricula at colleges and universities, fraternal groups banded together by a common interest in their chosen fields became more numerous and of ever increasing benefit to the student pursuing his/her chosen profession.

Such common interest and the recognition of valuable benefits to be attained, prompted several students in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., to organize the society now known as the Omega Tau Sigma Fraternity. The year of that initial development and organization was 1906. The high purpose of Omega Tau Sigma gradually led to the establishment of chapters at fifteen other veterinary schools in the United States and at one such school in Canada. Thus, this fraternity has international active chapter membership, a factor which, among such Veterinary professional fraternities, can be claimed by Omega Tau Sigma only.

This organization functions efficiently to provide a closer relationship outside of the classroom for those students at Veterinary schools. Attracted and admitted into this fraternity are those students with high professional ideals and excellent character, harmoniously combining their efforts in aiming at a most worthwhile goal, the furtherance of the Veterinary profession.

Chapter History


The Alpha Chapter: University of Pennsylvania

The Omega Tau Sigma Veterinary Fraternity had its beginning as the Alpha Chapter in the year 1906 at the University of Pennsylvania. It was an outgrowth of an idea of six men now known as the Charter Members of the fraternity. From this idea of providing a closer relationship outside the classroom among the students in Veterinary Medicine, thirteen chapters are presently included upon the rolls of ΩΤΣ. The charter members were Howard H. Curtis, Gerrit P. Judd, William A. Haines, Frank E. Lentz, E. A. Parker Jr., and George A. Schwartz.

The Alpha Chapter progressed rapidly until 1918 when it was disbanded due to conditions brought about by war. At this time there were but comparatively few students in the Veterinary school. In 1928 the chapter was reorganized, and again was seen as a stride forward, which has always characterized and was symbolic of all the activities of this fraternity.

From the time of the founding of the fraternity to the present, more than 500 members have graduated and are now leaving their mark upon the Veterinary field.

During the summer of 1947, a new house at 237 S. 41st Street was purchased with the help of loans from our alumni. By 1958, this house was paid for and a mortgage-burning ceremony was held. In following years, in spite of extensive renovations, it became evident that a new house was needed. In 1963, the fraternity relocated to a three story structure with a spacious kitchen and recreation room at 4013 Pine St. The Alpha Chapter became inactive.

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The Beta Chapter: Cornell University (revised 1999)

The Beta Chapter of ΩΤΣ at the New York State Veterinary College of Cornell University was chartered on March 31, 1911, at Philadelphia, Pa. The names of the charter members were as follows: Robert Simms, Charles E. Morris, Cecil Corbin, Guy G. Stevens, John E. Deal, Walter Boyce, Richard N. Shaw, David E. Wright, DeBoice Allen, A. F. McClelland, Leland J. Tompkins, Frank J. Caveney, Arthur W. Combs, Ray S. Banks, William F. Burleigh, Kenneth Shaul, R. R. Bolton, Alfred Oberle, C. V. Norback, W. H. Stevenson, E. M. Pickens, Hugh D. Laird, B. H. Wheelock, and John C. Wheat.

Shortly after the foundation, a banquet was held and many faculty members were made honorary members of the chapter. In the Fall of 1911, a house was rented on Eddy Street, relatively close to the campus, and most of the members moved in. In 1912 a house located at 413 Dryden Road was bought, by means of a mortgage, by the active members of the chapter.

In 1913, the initiation ritual was revised by Dr. F. S. Jones who was a member of the Alpha Chapter on the Cornell Faculty. He was aided by Dr. F. E. Lentz and Dr. E. S. Sunderville, the latter also on the Cornell Faculty.

The chapter house on Dryden Road was maintained by the active membership until 1938. During this period of time Dr. E. S. Sunderville served faithfully as faculty advisor. The chapter house in 1938 needed considerable repairs and as the active membership had reduced the mortgage slowly, it was suggested by Drs. Sunderville, Gilman, and Stephenson, that the alumni members form a corporation and control the real property of the chapter.

The Alumni Corporation of Beta Chapter of ΩΤΣ disposed of the chapter house on Dryden Road and purchased a new house formerly occupied by Tau Kappa Epsilon at 200 Willard Way.

The Alumni Corporation has satisfactorily functioned since then to the advantage of both student and graduate membership. The active membership rents the chapter house from the corporation, thus relieving themselves from the responsibilities of ownership.

In the summer of 1956 and again in 1994 there was extensive reconditioning and remodeling undertaken resulting in a sound chapter house which would now hold 25-26 Brothers. A new mortgage covering this remodeling was taken by the Alumni Corporation.

As a chapter the veterinary students are involved in many community service activities through the organization of blood drives several times throughout the school year, and a food and toy drive is held around the holidays. Our annual Charity Ball helps raise money for a local organization in need of our support and we help local school children enjoy Halloween activities in a safe environment.

We offer an outlet to veterinary students at Cornell to relax and build strong relationships to depend on in the future. The alumni return each spring for dinner and discussion on the progress of the chapter. The alumni and active members are dedicated to the chapter and work together to shape our goals and improve our outlook for the future.

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The Gamma Chapter: The Ohio State University (revised 1997)

The Gamma Chapter is located at The Ohio State University at Columbus, Ohio. The charter for this chapter was presented at Philadelphia, Pa., on November 25, 1911. The charter members of the organization were as follows: Sheldon R. Anderson, Wilbert H. Borchers, William T. Greenher, Charles T. Griffin, Herbert Lothe, L. Everett Miller, Weldo M. Neuenschwander, Harry S. Pease, Russell F. Presho, Roscoe C. Shafer, Abraham N. Shifrin, and Leland E. Starr.

From the time of its charter, the Gamma Chapter has seen continual growth and has assumed its rightful place as a fraternity for Veterinary students among the fraternities at The Ohio State University.

The primary focus of the fraternity has always been to remain active in affairs concerning the students of Veterinary Medicine, to create a collective base of future colleagues and to reach out into the community with service events. There has been no period in its existence, since the day the charter was received, that the fraternity has been forced to retire to an inactive status. Dedication and cooperation between active and alumni members has been kept on such a high plane as to forestall any recession when days of darkness have appeared on the horizon.

The classes of 1940-1941 and 1943 established a building fund by having each graduate from the chapter sign five notes of twenty dollars each. The first note was due two years following graduation and each subsequent note was due each year thereafter.

Through the money accumulating from the graduates paying their notes as dues and fine exasperation of the alumni through either financial gifts or five year loans of money without interest, the present Gamma chapter house located at 115 Fourteenth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio was purchased in March 1947. At this time the chapter had material assets in excess of their liabilities and purchased an adjacent property in 1962 in order to construct a larger house. However, in 1974 both properties were sold and the current house located at 4673 North Kenny Road was purchased. Two years later an addition was made to the house in order to house a total of nine students and provide a chapter meeting room and a dance floor. Major outdoor renovations to include a brick patio and wood deck were added in 1998.

In 1940, the men of the Columbus Chapter began publishing a small magazine designed as a means of disseminating news between the faculty and students in the College of Veterinary Medicine. By 1946, this publication had changed from a mimeographed form to a printed publication. In 1948 the magazine was donated by the chapter to the college to become an official publication of the college. Since then it has developed to a circulation of over 7,000 and has become one of the nation’s major Veterinary student publications.

As the time has changed and the profession has grown through the years, the Gamma chapter has kept in place and grown also. Beginning in 1982, women were permitted to join the Gamma chapter of Omega Tau Sigma. Since this time, the fraternity has benefitted tremendously. The numbers have increased, participation has improved, and with the addition of new minds and fresh ideas, the fraternity has grown in wisdom.

Since the foundation of the Gamma Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma at The Ohio State University, over 2000 active members have enjoyed the shelter and brotherhood of the fraternity. These members, while active and now as alumni members of the Gamma Club, have aided in bringing about the high standards for which the veterinary profession is now known and have supported this chapter to the best of their ability. Today, Gamma Chapter is going strong, with excellent leadership from its members, powerful devotion by its advisers, five permanent residents, and wonderful enthusiastic support from its alumni. The support and enthusiasm forthcoming for the house renovations—which are 95 percent complete, including new kitchen appliances, new furniture in several rooms, refinished floors, fresh paint, new heating and air conditioning systems, and landscaping—can attest to the devotion of our members.

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The Delta Chapter: University of Guelph (revised 1999)

The Delta Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma became established at the Ontario Veterinary College, Guelph, Ontario sometime during the 1913-1914 school year. While the exact date is not identified among currently available historical data, this founding is assumed by Delta Chapter members to have taken place during the fall of 1913 or the spring of 1914. Whatever that date may be, it is significant to the fraternity as a whole since it is from that time that Omega Tau Sigma has been recognized as the only veterinary professional fraternity which can claim active and persisting international chapter membership.

The first complete listing of membership for Delta Chapter appeared in the 1914 yearbook “Torontonensis” and included the names of 74 members. Since the chapter had been organized less than a year at that time and had started with only 14 charter members, it readily demonstrates the confidence held by Ontario Veterinary College students in a worthy fraternal organization which recognizes the highest of ideals. It is obvious that Omega Tau Sigma fulfilled their needs adequately and with satisfaction. The charter members are to be highly commended for their wholehearted devotion to the fraternity. They were: P. R. Baird, F. W. High, N. G. Beaver, H. D. Lawson, F. A. Burlingame, T. W. McMaben, W. G. Church, R. S. Pacuette, A. G. Crump, C. S. Parker, B. D. Ewalt, W. A. Troutman, H. C. Graham, and F. R. Weing.

In recent years, membership has increased and Delta Chapter is obviously a well-organized institution. The chapter’s adoption of a pledge in the 1947-48 year, to be signed by graduating members, agreeing to denote a total of $100.00 toward a Fraternity House Fund during the first five years after graduation will undoubtedly be the one big assist needed by Delta Chapter to realize their dreams of a fraternity house in the near future.

With the spring of 1955 came the realization of Delta Chapter’s fondest dream. Since the chapter’s birth in 1913 the records are dotted with accounts of various methods and efforts aimed at obtaining a House. All of which had failed short of their goal. However, each effort did realize the accumulation of some funds and they were used to purchase bonds which served as a nucleus for the final concerted drive. Shares in ΩΤΣ Holding Company were offered to active and graduate brothers alike. The response to this drive, plus the kind generosity of one or two graduate brothers who purchased preferred shares, resulted in a sum which allowed down payment on a large three-story house with basement, which has since been finished as a game room with built-in bar. The house was located at 51 Dundas Road a half block from the O.V.C. The Holding Company, composed of graduate brothers with the secretary being an active brother and the Most Worthy Master holding membership, cared for the mortgage and major repairs with money which was collected from the active brothers as rent and the continued sale of shares.

The acquisition of a House meant a fixed meeting place for the Chapter and a unifying factor for the brothers who have taken part in many organized projects to improve and maintain it.

In 1963, a movement was started in Delta’s membership to build a new ΩΤΣ chapter house which would allow more brothers with close affordable accommodation. To facilitate this, the vacant lot next to the old house was purchased by Delta chapter. In the spring l966, after many delays and one legal battle with the city of Guelph, construction started on a new $150,000 house to house 32 in-house brothers. The house was completed in November of 1966, and occupied by December of that year. The funds for the building were augmented by monies received from a $150 promissory note signed by members; this was instituted in 1964. The house, currently located at 349 Gordon Street, is 2 stories high and of Dutch brick; has two 1500 sq. ft. party rooms with fireplaces, 16 double rooms, 2 washrooms, and a TV and bar room. This monument to the progressive development of ΩΤΣ in Canada and the U.S. was engineered largely through the tireless efforts of alumni P. C. Thomas M.W.M. 1965-66 and T. J. Hulland.

As well as the above accomplishments, in 1964, the Delta Club was conceived. The membership of this organization is made up of graduate brothers, each of which hold 2 non-negotiable shares in the ΩΤΣ Holding Company of Delta Chapter. The aims of Delta Club are to keep the graduate brothers active and interested in ΩΤΣ through professionalism and the exchange of ideas.

On one further historical note, Delta Chapter, originally being a strict fraternity, became fully co-ed in 1983, accepting women into the chapter and house. Currently, over two thirds of the active Delta membership are women. The Delta chapter is to be congratulated for its increase membership in recent years, and its very active participation. On the campus at the University of Guelph, ΩΤΣ continues to stand for and is and example of professional dynamism.

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The Epsilon Chapter: George Washington University

An Epsilon Chapter of this fraternity was proposed at the Veterinary School at George Washington University. A constitution was drawn up for this chapter but before the fraternity could be inaugurated, it was decided to abandon the veterinary department at this university.

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The Zeta Chapter: Auburn University (revised 1997)

The Zeta Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma Fraternity received its charter on March 26, 1940. The chapter was attested to by Roy F. Davenport, President of the Grand Council, and signed by the Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, of the Grand Council, namely: Harland Roy Potter, Earl Sunderville, and Calvin M. Rodgers.

Under the leadership of Leon F. Whitney of the class of 1940, and the guidance of Dr. Starr, a member of Omega Tau Sigma (who was then Professor of Pathology and Assistant Dean) Zeta Chapter was organized at Alabama Polytechnic Institute, currently Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. The chapter members were: B. C. Swindle, President; C. T. Mason, Vice-President; W. E. Watley, Secretary; Thos. M. Wise, Treasurer; J. G. Bateman; M. H. Matthias; J. T. Billingsly; H. N. Mead; E. F. Boyette; L. E. Porter; J. A. Boehm Jr.; E. E. Roukema; T. E. Brown; M. P. Sause; Carey Carlton, Jr.; G. K. Smith; Joel H. Carter; J. D. Stith; G. H. Clanton; O. M. Strouck; J. A. Faughn; F. C. Sullivan Jr.; S. P. Golphin; W. M. Thompson; W. C. Haire; F. F. Warren; S. D. Haworth; Leon F. Whitney; N. G. Jerome; A. T. Utiatt II; R. D. Lawern; H. G. Young; and W. M. Long.

Soon after we were chartered, we obtained our first fraternity house by leasing a home located immediately north of main campus at 138 Toomer Street in 1943. This house was purchased by Zeta Club in 1945. In 1955, purchase of 2.67 acres of adjoining property made ΩΤΣ one of the biggest landowners in Auburn. This proved to be a fortunate asset to the fraternity since the value of real estate increased.

In addition to the building of a new $100,000 house on leased land on West Thach Street in 1958, the 1960’s saw many changes in the Zeta Chapter. Class sizes increased, the College of Veterinary Medicine relocated to Wire Road, and women were admitted to the fraternity. With plenty of foresight, four ΩΤΣ alumni purchased five acres of land across from the veterinary college in 1977. Zeta Club then purchased the land from the alumni with the stipulation that a fraternity house was to be built on the land. Changes in the chapter’s members’ living habits and excessive repair bills in the 1980s made new plans necessary. In 1993, the Thach Street home was sold to the Farm house fraternity and two years later, in the late Summer of 1995, our new chapter house was built. Chapter members contributed heavily to the labor pool. Because of a long-range building plan and a successful fund drive, the new house costing $300,000 was built with little debt.

The Zeta Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma has continued to flourish through the efforts of the enthusiastic advisors, active members, and highly supportive alumni, and has enhanced its dedication to the ideals of the Fraternity.

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The Eta Chapter: University of Georgia (revised 1997)

During the summer of 1948 there were many outstanding students at the newly founded Veterinary School at the University of Georgia, at Athens, Georgia, who became interested in the formation of a chapter of Omega Tau Sigma at their institution. They were informed of the possibilities by Buris R. Boshell, a member of the Zeta Chapter at Auburn, Alabama. The interested students formed themselves into a club and elected officers. They were interviewed early in July by Grand Historian, W. J. Gibbons, and several members of the Zeta Chapter.

Through the Zeta Chapter, petition was made to the Grand Council of Omega Tau Sigma, and permission was granted to form a chapter. After considerable delay, the Eta Chapter was duly installed on October 18, 1948. The chapter was inaugurated by Grand Historian W. J. Gibbons of the Grand Council. In this he was assisted in the installation of the officers and the initiation by the officers of the Zeta Chapter of Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Dr. C. C. Rife, of Atlanta, Georgia, alumni member of Beta Cornell Chapter, was present and assisted in the ceremonies. Also present were: Dr. J. L. Hopping, Jr., alumnus of Gamma Chapter, Dr. T. A. Hays of the Georgia Faculty and an alumnus of Delta Ontario Chapter, and Drs. Dean Folse and N. D. Connor of the Veterinary faculty at Auburn and members of the Zeta Chapter.

Installed officers were: Charles N. McNeill, President; William W. Adams, Vice President; Jack R. Palmer, Secretary; and Dawson L. Taylor, Treasurer. Other charter members were: Murphy W. Banks, Don B. Bell, Wilbur S. Briggs, James T. Bryson, S. Louis Clarkson, Robert J. Glass, Francis T. Holton, Thomas W. Jenkins, Leiscester L. Landon, Luther P. Murphy, Lacel T. Leard, Dr. Walter F. McLendon, Wiley J. Greenway Jr., Clarence B. Grubbs, Lollis H. Hardy, Dr. Thomas A. S. Hays, Dank Morris, Robert C. Lawrence, Jr., Waldo R. Palmer, and Harley A. Phillips.

The Eta Chapter purchased a house located at 1363 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, Georgia early in 1950. Since then, purchase of a new home at 1690 S. Lumpkin was used by the fraternity. This house was excellently adopted to the needs of the chapter for housing of single members as well as for holding regular meetings and some of their informal social events. The Omega Tau Sigma Women’s Auxiliary of the Eta chapter was extremely active and helpful in decorating the house and otherwise in providing it with home-like atmosphere. During the Summer of 1985, a new house was purchased at 205 Burnett Street, Athens, Georgia. The new house provides a home for five ΩΤΣ members. The house is also a place where meetings and other events are held.

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The Theta Chapter: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (revised 1997)

The formal chartering and initiation was conducted for the Theta Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma, at the University of Illinois on April 14, 1956. The chartering ceremony was conducted by Dr. T. C. Fitzgerald, the national vice-president and a member of the staff at the School of Veterinary Medicine, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. Also present at the proceedings was Dr. Robert Vesper, whom at the time was the national historian, a member of the veterinary medical faculty at Ohio State University. Other guests included Drs. Robert Graham, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois; J. O. Alberts, ΩΤΣ chapter advisor; L. E. St. Clair, Jesse Carnpson, and L. E. Boley of the University of Illinois faculty. Fifty-five Veterinary medical students were present for the chartering and were initiated into the Chapter. Included among the initiates were three ladies, the first inducted into Omega Tau Sigma.

Charter members of the Theta Chapter, Omega Tau Sigma: LeRoy Abraharn, Ira John Avers, Jr., Robert Stevens Blakely, George Fred Buchal, Albert J. Koltveit, Harold Glen Meiner, Delwyn Vivian Meyer, Walter David Mumme, John Bowen Palenske, Frank Charles Riley, Ed Walbaum Short, Peter Henry Smith, Gale D. Taylor, Robert Charles Willand, Philip Zand, Benton Allen, Raymond Deane Bauer, William Edward Britz, Bernard Robert Cahill, Norman F. Cornelius, Robert Burns Goodin, William Ernest Hopkins, Theodore E. Kjellstrum, Joseph I. Leveque, Beryl David Mell, Jerrold Stuart Mechaels, Walter Loy Meyers, Howard Peter Peterson, Lawrence Gilbert Clark, John Alfred Gerdes, Howard Phillip Hogson, Stanley Chester Kadlub, Richard Anthony Schiltz, Marshall V. Slingerland, Alan Lee Springer, Arthur Robert Twardock, Nancy Wood, Charles Anderson, LeRoy George Biehl, Marcus Lafayette Brown, Vincent W. Chaffee, Robert Colliver Dobson, Robert Charles Graham, Gordon John Iverson, Jerald Wayne Kleckler, Roger Anthony Litz, Joe Dean Meller, Charles Arnold Miner, Jr., Neal Stanley Nelson, James Dodds Pullialn, John Edward Schmidt, Erwin Small, Lois Stansbury, Betty Ann Walters, and Robert J. Young.

After the chartering of the Theta chapter of Omega Tau Sigma, the fraternity initially suffered through the growing pains that every new, young organization must endure. Ever since the purchase of our wonderful house on Oregon Street the outlook for the Theta Chapter has been a very positive one. The Chapter’s charity events like the annual Road Race, two pet washes, and frequent pet visitations at a nearby care center have provided a tremendous amount of support to the Champaign community as well as allowing the Chapter to grow. Through this ever expanding community involvement, the wonderful support of an Alumni Association, and a wide variety of great social events, the Theta Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma has been solidified at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine.

Delwyn Meyer, president for the spring semester of 1956, presented Dr. Robert Graham, Dean of the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, with an honorary membership in the fraternity on May 18, 1956.

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The Iota Chapter: Oklahoma State University (revised 1997)

The Iota Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma was installed by the Grand Most Worthy Master and three members of Zeta Chapter on Saturday, December 20, 1958 in the Student Union Building of Oklahoma State University.

Thirteen charter members were initiated and installed. A short business meeting followed and officers were elected.

Charter members of Iota Chapter were: Most Worthy Master Claude B. Vanzant, Worthy Master Robert Boss, Keeper of Records and Seals Dale Schomp, Master of Finance Donald M. Campbell, Historian Richard E. Dillman, Brian H. Espe, Marvin L. Denney Jr., Daniel R. Jones, William J. McDowell, Ben B. Norman, Willaim Strube, John E. Terrall, and Anthony C. Thomas.

Drs. Walter Rice and Bruce S. Blauch were elected Co-Faculty Advisors. Dr. Rice was a graduate alumnus of Delta, Guelph, Ontario, Canada and Dr. Blauch was a graduate alumnus of Alpha, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Dr. Glenn C. Holm, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and the Interfraternity Council of Oklahoma State University, extended the initiation committee a most cordial welcome and attended the initiation banquet given in honor of the charter members and guests.

The Iota Chapter is dedicated to providing services for the school and the students. By being involved in the activities of the school, Iota Chapter has maintained a high profile for the Omega Tau Sigma Fraternity. Although the chapter does not currently own a house, a building fund has been established with the hopes of attaining a home for the Chapter. An alumni association is also in the early stages of creation. Iota Chapter hopes to bring back together alumni and current members. Best wishes to the Omega Tau Sigma Fraternity of the future.

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The Kappa Chapter: Iowa State University (revised 1998)

The Kappa Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma was chartered on May 22, 1965. The ceremonies were conducted at the Memorial Union, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, with Dr. Robert Vesper officiating. Assisting in the ceremonies were Dr. Erwin Small and delegates from Gamma and Theta chapters. Honored guests at the ensuing banquet, held at the Sheldon-Mull Hotel, were the seventy-eight charter members. Other guests included Dr. George C. Christensen, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, and Mr. Duane Harris, President of the Interfraternity Council at Iowa State University.

Charter members of Kappa Chapter, Omega Tau Sigma: Donell E. Ahrens, Dr. Jess L. Ayers, George G. Baker, Gary L. Bell, Ronald M. Blessing, Gary R. Bolton, Byron G. Boysen, Berwyn J. Cadman, William V. Callahan, Edward W. Clausmar, Robert E. Cordts, Dennis D. Darnell, Raymond M. Dayton, Joseph W. Denhart, Dwayne E. Devall, Dennis E. Dinkla, Donald D. Draper, Darrell H. Eich, Norbert W. Epping, Thomas A. Erickson, Marvin E. Farley, Ronald L. Fessler, Michall D. Fredericks, Gary R. Gienapp, Kenneth L. Harris, Greg J. Harrison, William L. Hilleman, Myron J. Hinrichs, William D. Hoefle, Douglas C. Hoefiling, Dennis J. Hoeft, Daryl C. Hormann, Ronald G. Huhn, Ronald L. Hullinger, Jon A. Hunziker, Allen G. Ibsen, John W. Jinkins, John R. Jobe, Marvin E. Johnson, George A. Jorgensen, Clifford K. Kinsley, Leo A. Klodt,, Darwin L. Kinne, Frederick G. Lord, Harold W. Lupton, Larry F. McConnick, Ronald M.McLaughlin, Dennis M. McCurnin, Randell H. Mertens, Ronald D. Niedfeldt, Alfred J. Notter, David M. Olson, Raymond F. Nachreiner, Gerald M. Orlando, Gary D. Osweiler, Benneth L. O’Toole, John L. Peterson, Roger F. Reppert, Richard J. Reynolds, Charles J. Ruehle, Hennan J. Schatz, Jawnes R. Schilling, Daniel L. Skow, W. Burton Smith, William H. Sweeney, Robert F. Swingen, Robert P. Terry, John W. Thomson, Michael J. Tierney, Charles W. Troup, Dwight E. VanGenderen, Thomas W. Vogel, John P. Ward, Jerald R. Wessels, Rex W. Wilhelm, Raymond P. Woody, David G. Wyatt, and James P. Wylie.

The installed officers were: President Donald D. Draper, Vice President William D. Hoefle, Secretary Michael J. Tierney, Treasurer Myron J. Hinrichs, and Faculty Advisors Dr. William Klemm and Dr. Albert Few.

Kappa Chapter began operation of its house at 238 Hyland, Ames, Iowa, in the fall of 1965. The current house at 158 Hyland was purchased in 1985. This house provides accommodations for seventeen members as well as a meeting place for all members and friends.

Kappa has initiated several faculty members as honorary members. They include: Drs. Lawrence Evans, John McKibben, James Carter, John Greve and H. Dieter Dellman.

Kappa Chapter continues to provide leadership and service opportunities in a social setting for students at Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. We maintain support to many community service projects including donating to the local food bank, delivering meals to elderly and shut-in Ames residents and a highway clean-up project. Kappa Chapter has a solid history and a clear vision to carry itself into the next millennium.

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Lambda Chapter: Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine (revised 1997)

In the Spring of 1985, under the advisement of Dr. Karen Baum and the guidance of the Gamma Chapter of The Ohio State University, the Lambda Chapter Of Omega Tau Sigma Fraternity was established at the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine in Blacksburg, Virginia.

The charter members and elected officers were: President Paul Fox, Vice President Ray Kaplan, Secretary Bonnie Hileman, Treasurer Debbie Fink, Faculty Advisors Drs. Karen Baum and Larry Freeman, Rort Bagley, John Klimavicz, Sam Clark, Bill Hemmer, Pam Orcutt, Cary Craig, John Herrity, Len Rice, Dr. Kent Roberts, Chrissie Foster, Jerry Hoffman, and Kathy Slayman.

Lambda Chapter’s goals were, and still are, to provide students the opportunity to get involved in community service projects and increase public awareness of the veterinary profession. Active involvement in the Lambda Chapter enriches the member’s educational experience, and prepares students for their role as public servants and leaders in the community as future veterinarians.

As the chapter continued to grow, the early years of Lambda Chapter’s community service projects included: “Pets and People”, a monthly pet visitation to a local nursing home; Red Cross blood mobile drives; “Bones and Beasts”, an elementary school education program; and “Pets with Santa” photos of which over 50% of the profits were donated to the local humane society. Activities such as happy hours and parties, as well as an annual white water rafting trip, provided social outlets for the members.

As well as continuing the above mentioned services, new chapter community projects include: holding an annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children of students, faculty, staff, and the Blacksburg community; creating an educational and hands on program for the local chapter of Big Brother/Big Sisters organization; collection of glass recycling in the veterinary college; and helping to sponsor service dogs from the Saint Francis Assisi Service Dog Foundation, by providing monthly dog food. The Lambda Chapter, in conjunction with the teaching hospital, is also initiating the creation of a service dog memorial and yearly award to the outstanding service dog.

Many more social and service events have proved very successful in advertising the fraternity and boosting morale. Membership in Lambda continues to grow. The future of Lambda Chapter looks strong and bright with many new ideas for future community service and social events planned out, a master calendar implemented and energy high.

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Mu Chapter: University of Missouri

Mu Chapter was chartered at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri, in 1986 and went inactive in 1989.

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Nu Chapter: Texas A&M University (revised 1997)

The Nu Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma Fraternity at Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine was formally chartered on September 12, 1987. National President John P. Donahoe, Vice-President Robert Pechman, Treasurer R.R. Badertscher, Secretary Doris M. Miller, and Historian John H. Greve signed the charter.

Initiation ceremonies were assisted by Iota Chapter of Oklahoma State University.

Charter members and elected officers were: President Richmond Shawn Wilkens, Vice President Gregor Alan Ulteig, Secretary Steven Allen Baty, Treasurer Therese Ann Norris, Advisor Dr. S. Dru Forrester, Martha Ann Barnes, Marsha Dianne Boatman, Elizabeth J.Calabria, Jana Lea Cargile, Kelly Jo English, Howard Kirk Esmond, Carolyn Bond Fairless, Shelly Beth Glasscock, Jessica Lee Green, Tamara Lea Grubb, Lola Ann Gunn, Kent Alan Jisha, Gloria Maria Johnson, Kathalyn Eileen Johnson, Cynthia Douglas Jones, Melanie Elaine Krenek, Douglas Neil Lange, Joanna Lynn Pridgen, Garry Lynn Reece, Danielle Rosser, Agnes Emmot Rupley, Virginia Lee Standefer, Celesta Marie Treadway, Valerie Vaughn Tynes, and Andrew Craven Wilkinson.

Current faculty advisor Dr. Katherine Bretzlaff recalls students coming to her with an interest in forming a service fraternity. Greek organizations had not been well received at Texas A&M by tradition, but the changing demography of students indicated that the time had come. Since then Nu Chapter has worked hard to inspire veterinary students to share in the values of Omega Tau Sigma through social events, community service activities, and informative meetings. The chapter is currently discussing developing an active alumni association, as well as the possibility of obtaining a house.

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Xi Chapter: Purdue University

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Omicron Chapter: Michigan State University (revised 1997)

The Omicron Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma was founded at Michigan State University on January 5, 1991. John Komorowski ‘93 and Steve Webb ‘91 were the founding fathers of the Omicron Chapter of ΩΤΣ. At the time 12 of the 15 chapters of ΩΤΣ were active. Dr. Robert Badertscher, treasurer of Grand Council and advisor of Theta Chapter and Dr. John Gordon, advisor of Gamma Chapter, plus many members of both chapters participated in the chartering and initiating ceremonies. The three veterinary schools nearest to MSU (Ohio State, Ontario at Guelph and Purdue) have active chapters of ΩΤΣ. This allows the opportunity for interaction between members of the various chapters.

In addition to intercollegiate interaction, ΩΤΣ provides the opportunity to get to know CVM faculty on an informal level. Many faculty members are alumni of ΩΤΣ. Most importantly, the Omicron Chapter of ΩΤΣ provides interaction between the students in the four classes at MSU-CVM. Several social activities are planned throughout the year ranging from informal and theme parties to an annual semi-formal banquet.

In addition to the social events, Omicron is involved in many projects of service to the college, the University and the community. Activities such as tours of the college facilities, participation in the annual CVM open house, collection of food items for the university food-bank projects, regular visitation with pets to nursing homes and fund-raising projects for local animal interest groups have identified ΩΤΣ as a service organization in the MSU community.

Future directions for the Omicron Chapter of ΩΤΣ includes emphasis on social activities, expansion of service projects, and establishment of a Chapter house. The success of the professional veterinary fraternity at MSU depends on the interest and desires of the students for the services such an organization provides, and the commitment to its establishment and continuation. The activities of the organization are determined and directed by its membership.

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Pi Chapter: Tuskegee University (revised 1999)

The Pi Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma Fraternity first developed as a Colony Chapter at Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama, in September 1995. A group of students came together and decided that the campus needed to be represented in the ΩΤΣ national organization. They petitioned ΩΤΣ Grand Council for membership, after generating much interest among the students and acquiring faculty advisors. Pi Chapter’s petition was officially accepted at the Grand Council annual meeting in October 1995 at West Lafayette, Indiana. Pi Chapter was formally initiated and presented its charter on March 30, 1996 by Dr. John Gordon, president of Grand Council, and assisted by members of Gamma and Zeta Chapters. The formal event took place in Auburn, Alabama. Other officer signatures on the charter include Vice President John Greve, Secretary Martey Masterson, Treasurer Ken Pitzer and Historian Gary Sherman.

The officers of Pi were as follows: President Blair Jones ’98, Vice President Wayne Waguepack ’98, Secretary Paige Hasimoto ’98, Treasurer Shannon Rhodes ’98, Historian Kate Williams ’99, Sergeant-at-Arms Andrea Walker ’98, Alpha Pledge Master Michael Kaltsas’98, Beta Pledge master Brannon Woods ’98, and Advisor Dr. Christopher W. Neff.

The chapter initiated its first group of initiates in the Spring of 1996, with 76 active members and 5 graduating seniors in the charter class.

Since our inception, we have continued to promote the ideals and goals of the fraternity. Located only 15 miles from Auburn University and Zeta Chapter, we have united several times to conduct fraternity functions as well as beginning our own traditions. In the first five years of existence we have received the T.C. Fitzgerald award for the most improved chapter as well as winning the attendance award and the Gonzo Olympics Trophy at Grand Councils. With such a solid foundation the chapter will continue to improve and progress in the years to come.

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Rho Chapter: Midwestern University

The Rho Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma was presented to the Grand Council in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, and was subsequently founded at Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona, on October 22, 2016. The advisor for the Rho Chapter was Donald Noah. Donald Noah is an alumnus of the Gamma Chapter at Ohio State University. Rho Chapter is, to date, the newest addition to the Omega Tau Sigma fraternity.

The Charter members were:

James Sobotka: President (2019)
Sarah Sykes-Kendig: Vice President (2019)
Marissa Haglund: Secretary (2019)
Colleen Cook: Recruitment Chair (2019)
Sydney St. Clair: Treasurer (2019)
Amanda Rappaport: Sergeant at Arms (2019)
Kaitlen Betchel
Concetta Buttacci
Monica Chen
Emily Chetner
Danielle Cucuzella
Rozalyn Donner
Samantha Eagan
Robert Eisemann
Anna Flocken
Kaitlyn Ford
Samantha Gans
Bianca Garza
Kayla Greil
Bianca Hartrum
Amanda Hensen
Nicole Houghton
Mercedez Hymes
Danna Kedrowski
Matias Larrosa
Katherine Mackin
Erin McGee
Casey McKenna
Aletha Moody
Kirsti Novikoff
Kyley Olson
Symmantha Page
Melanie Picciano
Becca Schwieter
Amanda Seybert
Madison Skelton
Denise Sorbet
Eric Sun
Kathleen Tan
Angelo Torres
Kaitlyn Vorherr
Kimberly Vu
Alicia Wilson
Emmeline Ye

Forty-two members were initiated into the charter class in February of 2017 under guidance from alumni of the Gamma and Omicron chapters. In the Spring of 2017, the Rho chapter charter class hosted the first Pup Strut 5K fun run for the Phoenix metropolitan area.

The Rho Chapter at Midwestern University is committed to its dedication to the three Omega Tau Sigma principles: education, philanthropy, and social well-being of our members. It is our belief that the veterinary profession empowers us to look beyond the classroom for our education, and we strive to leave our university, our community, and the world better than how we found it. We look forward to seeing the ΩΤΣ Rho Chapter flourish as our school continues to grow, and we are excited to bring positive changes to our Arizona community in the years to come.

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Sigma Chapter: Long Island University

The Sigma Chapter of Omega Tau Sigma was founded at Long Island University in Brooklyn, New York, on March 8, 2025.

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